Allinge Town and Court House

Allinge Town and Court House

Allinge Råd- og Tinghus was built in 1881 as a replacement for Sandvig Town Hall. The building was designed by architect Mathias Bidstrup. The building served as the seat of the Rønne Court until 1973, when the Nexø and Rønne courts were merged. Before construction could begin, some blasting was needed as there was a rather large rock rubble on site. When the building was completed, it also housed a police station with detention facilities and a mayor’s office. At that time there were 3 permanent police officers, one in Allinge, one in Sandvig and a night officer. In addition, there was an on-call staff in the form of stockmen whom the police could call if there was trouble among the local and foreign fishermen. Until 1904 there was also a financial institution in the building, as the savings bank had a cashier sitting in a room. However, the savings bank moved to other premises immediately next to the Town Hall and Court House. In 1926 the large white building was erected and the Savings Bank moved into the newly built premises. These premises later housed the municipal office until a financial institution was again established. In the square in front of the courthouse there was a market. After 1973, for a number of years, there was a lawyer’s office and a police station with a policeman. Later, the police station was converted to be staffed only in the summer, and eventually closed completely. Now the whole building is rented out to private businesses.