
The small, cosy market town on North Bornholm is a very old town. Long back in history, the city has had other names.
Over 600 years ago the name of the town was Alland, which later became Allandt and Allent. In the early 1600s the town was given the name Alling, similar to what we know today. The first time the name Allinge appears in writing is in the mid-1600s.

In the Middle Ages, Allinge was only a small fishing village consisting of a few fishermen’s cottages and agricultural properties, but the town was nevertheless of great importance to the Hanseatic herring markets on the Baltic Sea. Oceans of herring could be caught in the Baltic Sea, which was mainly sold to Catholics in southern Europe. The Catholic people had a meatless day – a fast day – and they did not consider fish to be meat. During the herring season, the Hanseatic ships sailed back and forth between their towns, herring markets and their customers. During that time, prosperity came to the people of Allinge. But unfortunately this herring adventure stopped in the 1500s.

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Technical school Allinge

Technical school Allinge

Technical school Allinge

In February 1883, 21 men from Allinge and Sandvig met at the town hall with the aim of forming a craftsmen's and industrial association. Initially, it was not intended to build a school, the plan was that it would only be evening school education at Allinge Borgerskole, but 12 years later, the Technical School is built.

Allinge Technical School is a beautiful ...

The tower house in Allinge

The tower house in Allinge

The tower house in Allinge

The first thought you get when you see the Tower House is that it must be an old lighthouse, but it never was. The tower house was built by Doctor Sigfred Borch in 1898 as a doctor's house and private residence.

It is said that he was interested in the stars and that the tower functioned as an ...

Large granite stone in Storegade

Large granite stone in Storegade

Large granite stone in Storegade

On the small lawn stands a granite stone about 2 m high. It has not been possible to find any information about the stone in books or elsewhere, but some elderly citizens of Allinge say that the stone was erected in the early 1950s by the then owner of the land as a protest against impending plans to build a ...

Nordbornholms Smokehouse

Beautifully situated on the outer cliffs is Nordbornholms Røgeri. The original smokehouse on this site was built in 1898 but on 6 February 1952 the smokehouse burnt down and a new one was built. In 1967, the smokehouse got a new owner, Arne Jacobsen, and in common parlance the smokehouse was always referred to as Arne's Røgeri. At that time it was a small smokehouse producing mainly ...

Næs beach in Allinge

Næs is a small beach found between the rocks. Næs has always been the place where the townspeople took a dip and when tourists started coming to the town in the surrounding guesthouses, it was also from Næs that the tourists went into the water. On the beach there is a large concrete bathing bridge directly on top of the rocks with ...

Food tray petroglyphs

The largest petroglyph field in Denmark is Madsebakke. The carvings date back to the Bronze Age. On a large smooth rock there are 11 ships 3 curved lines probably also representing ships, sun crosses or wheel signs, foot signs and some bowl pits. More recently, several petroglyphs have been found in the vicinity, but they are located in private gardens. The name Madsebakke can be found as ...
Dr. Danchell’s house

Dr. Danchell’s house

Dr. Danchell's house

The house and side building were built in 1866 by a very popular district doctor, Dr Poul Edward Peter Danchell, who was a doctor in Allinge from 1865 to 1896. From old papers it is stated that in the attic a dome was made that could rotate, it is believed to be a small version of an observatory, this part of the building no ...

Dr Danchell’s facilities

Dr Danchell’s facilities

The facility is a gift from district physician Dr. Danchell to his patients and the city. When the site was built is not known with certainty, but probably around the 1900's as it was not finished when Dr. Danchell died in 1904, therefore Allinge - Sandvig Municipality took over the site and finished the work. The reason for this facility is that Danchell preferred not to ...
The Dome in Allinge

The Dome in Allinge

The Dome in Allinge

The dome was built in 2012 in connection with a public meeting on Bornholm. The dome is owned by Boligselskabernes Landsforening ( BL ) and was designed by architects Kristoffer Tejlgaard and Benny Jepsen. For the first few years, the Dome stood by the car park across the road, but as there was a desire for it to be a permanent building for ...

The Russian cemetery in Allinge

The Russian cemetery in Allinge

When World War II ended, Bornholm was invaded by Russian troops. The reason for their presence was that the German occupying troops in Denmark had to surrender to the British troops, which also happened in the rest of Denmark, just not on Bornholm. Something went wrong in the communication, so the English troops never came to Bornholm, the Russians did.. But the German troops on ...