The history of Rønne, part 2

The history of Rønne, part 2

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The history of Rønne, part 2

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Although development in Rønne was slow from the mid-1600s, new inhabitants did arrive. Most of them built their houses outside the town centre, in the areas around Østergade and in what is today called the Old Town, south of the church and up to Søndergade. In 1710 there were 1,447 inhabitants registered in the town. In 1769 the number had risen to 2058 inhabitants and in 1801 the number had risen to 2436.

The first real description of how the buildings were constructed did not occur until 1761, when fire surveyors went from house to house, carefully noting how the houses were built. All the houses at that time were built in timber frame, except for the Main Guard House. The buildings were built without foot timber, the roofs covered with thatch, although the roofs of the oldest were covered with tiles facing the street and thatch at the back. The walls were clay-lined, though here too there were social differences. The richest had been able to afford to import burnt stone, of which the entire façade was built up between the timberwork, although the gables and backs of these houses were built with clay-lined walls.

During that time there were not many shops or stalls in Rønne. In the merchants’ yards, trading took place in the courtyard itself, although 2 or 3 merchants had fitted out real shops with shelves and racks. In addition, trading took place on the weekly market day in Snellemark.

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, the city begins to resemble the one we know today, unfortunately the vast majority of the houses from around the 1800s are no longer to be found in the streetscape due to the Russian bombardment in 1945. At that time there were 3,400 properties in Rønne, of which 250 were totally destroyed, 23 burnt down and 3,000 more or less damaged. The new houses that were built were built on the same site and in roughly the same style as the original, but without the timbering and thatched roofs. As a result, Rønne today appears as an “old” town with well-maintained houses.

It was not until the beginning of the 1800s that St. Torv actually began to be used as an actual trading centre. The traders in Rønne wanted to gather the different shops and stalls in one place in the city. However, there was not much support for the idea from the citizens of the city. Although it was an open space well suited for the purpose, the citizens were afraid that houses would have to be demolished to get enough space for the square. Fortunately, it was not necessary to remove houses. The square was now a reality and people came waltzing in horse-drawn carts filled with many different goods that were sold in the square. The square is one of the largest in the province, 175 m long and 46 m wide. Two fire pumps with double spouts were placed in the middle of the square so that water could be filled into barrels on a horse cart and horses could be watered in a bucket on the ground. The large well still exists under the fountain. These pumps became the starting point for distance measurements from Rønne centre and out on the island. In the 1830s, part of the square was paved with rough boulders. It was not until 1858 that the whole square was paved with carved cobblestones and a pavement with granite kerbs. Almost all around, a number of trees had been planted.

In the period up to the 18th century, many different shops were set up in the large merchants’ houses that surrounded the square.

On the square to the south was Harboe’s grocery where there is today Nykredit and former Clothes & Shoes store. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the entire merchant’s farm was rebuilt and furnished with various small shops, a flower shop, embroidery shop, clothing shop, butter market, etc.

On the north side of the square, between the pedestrian street and Nørregade, there was a large farm from the mid-17th century, owned in turn by the island’s various commanders. On the roof was built a “lookout castle” from which one had a view of the harbour. In 1823, Jacob Claudius Pingel, bailiff and police chief, moved into the farm. His wife was the rich widow of Commander Kohl on Christiansø, and she inherited the farm from him. The farm was then named Pingels Gård. In 1924-25 the farm was demolished and a large three-storey building was constructed, known to many as the Sillehoved shop.

On the west side of the square was Rasch’s grocery, which was demolished in 1939 to make way for Rønne Bio. Rasch’s warehouse from 1881 was a grain and feed store. The building now serves as a music café, gallery and music and art school. In addition to the grocery store, there were residential houses and a few small shops. The building where the sports shop is today dates from the 1800s, but as it has been through several modernizations over the years, it is impossible to see anything of the old.

On the eastern side of the square, the town hall was built in 1834. The building has not changed over time and was listed in 1977. The beautiful old building that today houses Bog & Ide, was built in 1888 – 89, was a bakery and pastry shop. The building was Rønne’s only 3-storey property. In 1929 it was converted into a pharmacy. The first public children’s school in Rønne was built on the corner of St. Torv and Torvegade in 1806-07. In 1920 the building became a library and in 1972 it was demolished to make way for Bornholmercentret.

However, it is not only St. Square that has been the commercial centre of the city. In the 1700s, Ll. The square, at that time called Sildetorvet, was also used as a trading square, and there was probably a good supply of fish, which gave the name to the square. At that time there was no settlement on the eastern side. In the 1800s the square was renamed Ll. Places. The paving of Ll. Square came a little later than St. Square, it happened only around the 1870s.

On Ll. Torv there were no merchant’s farms like on St. Torv, but where the former post office is located, there was a large agricultural property that was demolished when the post office was built in the 1910s. Looking around the square, you will see almost all the old buildings from the late 1800s and early 1900s. The buildings have largely only undergone interior modernisation, the exterior is almost as it was when it was built. Michael Andersen’s old ceramics factory dates from 1890. The pink half-timbered house probably dates from the last half of the 19th century. Dorthe’s Hobbystue is also housed in an old house from the last half of the 1800s, originally half of the house was a shop and the other half was residential.

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